Super cool! This is an awesome slideshow function. Try it out at:
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Let's Go Rainie Slideshow
written by Michelle Chien at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kingone Wang, Mike He, Rainie Yang
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sushi Go Round Game Review
Sushi Go Round is a game found in Miniclip is a site where a wide variety of games can be found to suit your taste. Whether you like action or luck, Miniclip has it all!!! But enough with the advertising. This post is just the start of a whole new string of game reviews!!! I would shoot off with the criticism right away, but I thought it would seem more professional to have, well, a intro.
PROS: Sushi Go Round really gives you an idea of what its like to be a sushi chef. The most fun part (my opinion) is when you get to roll up all the ingredients. Maybe also watching the customers eating my handmade sushi. Maybe even how the money adds up in that little box in the bottom right hand corner. $_$
CONS: Oh, where to begin??? There are plenty of things to criticize, but most them are just because I'm not very good at it. The thing I don't really like about SGR is that there are just TOO many customers!! Maybe you want to make tons of money, but hey, finish with the one you're currently serving! Also, the peep at the end of the sushi train keeps on leaving because peeps before him/her take their food. Boo!!! Not particularly good for your business!!! >_<
written by Michelle Chien at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
S.H.E - 鬥牛,要不要片尾曲 最近還好嗎
S.H.E - 最近還好嗎
史上最豪華的電視原聲帶 8首新歌+多首演奏曲
S.H.E+TANK+星光幫 夢幻卡司 高手鬥歌
11/21開始預購 12/7正式發行
天有點冷 風有點大 城市寧靜而喧嘩
有再多的牽掛都已沒有權利表達 (沒有權利表達)
舊情人給的問候比陌生人還尷尬 (都還尷尬)
昨天遠了 明天還長 回憶模糊但巨大
written by Michelle Chien at 11:40 PM 0 comments
麥秋穗(皇甫珊):女, 18 歲,個性積極樂觀,活力充沛,運動神經極佳,心地善良、溫暖,吃軟不吃硬,習慣保護弱小,因此在女校就讀時常被同學視為「俠女」代表。小麥脾氣倔強,一旦訂立目標就要執行到底,有時候會有些小聰明,卻常常聰明反被聰明誤。
南風瑾:男, 21 歲,冷靜沉穩,喜怒不形於色,外表看來似乎是一個冷血無情的富家公子,實際上卻是一個溫柔體貼、愛護弟弟的人。由於瑾看過太多上流社會嫌貧愛富、前倨後恭 的虛假嘴臉,在人前總是顯得很疏離,對每個人彷彿都隔著一層膜,也因此小麥單純直接又澄澈明透的心思和個性格外吸引他的注意。
瑾 的父母和小麥的親生父母私交甚篤,四人在瑾八歲那一年死於同一場車禍。皇甫雄失去唯一的獨生子之後,愛屋及烏地收養了瑾和璘兩兄弟,更一心想培養瑾成為集 團的接班人。瑾為了保護年幼天真的弟弟璘,同時也為了報答收養兩兄弟的皇甫雄,總是毫無怨言地接受所有嚴苛的菁英訓練,符合皇甫雄的期望,但是瑾心底深處 卻一直希望能夠離開皇甫家這個光環,以自己真正的實力去找尋屬於他的天空。
瑾一直暗自計劃著要脫離皇甫家的控制,然而他的計劃卻在愛上小麥之後全盤失控。南風彩 :男, 21 歲,皇甫家族中有名的花花公子,看似浪蕩不羈、不學無術,惟恐天下不亂,實際上能力卻不遜於瑾。為了不想讓皇甫集團這麼龐大的責任落到自己頭上,彩在人前人後總是裝出一副敗家浪蕩子的模樣,直到後來才被小麥設計揭穿他偽裝的假面具。
彩完全無意跟瑾競爭皇甫集團繼承人的位置,只想輕輕鬆鬆悠閒渡日,然而最後卻因為愛上宮氏集團的獨生女宮茉莉,而面臨了同時要繼承兩大集團的天大難南風璘:男, 18 歲,瑾的親弟弟,因為長期在哥哥瑾的保護之下,個性單純直接、天真爛漫,時常有些讓人哭笑不得的短路行為出現。
璘對小麥的好感源自於小麥親生母親留給他的童年記憶,雖然當年的璘年紀尚輕,卻始終記得小麥母親的笑容,因此,當璘第一眼見到小麥,便被小麥的笑容所深深吸引。written by Michelle Chien at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
公主小妹 Romantic Princess 第七集 ep7 part1 of 6
I know I already posted GZXM but this is the best of the lot. So I posted it here. The second reason is that I wanted to show off the new youtube customize thing. It's pretty cool, considering we're all so used to red and silver.
written by Michelle Chien at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Build your own Blingee
Create cool Profile Comments
Blingee is a site where you can upload pictures and do all sorts of graphics to it. You can add flowers, hearts and sparkles! It's a really cool way to personalize some of your pics. And, if you can't find the perfect e-card for your friend, no more fretting! You can create your own at and with a click, your e-card is on the way! I personally like this site because of it's functions. It has such a wide variety of stamps, you'll never use them all!
written by Michelle Chien at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
公主小妹 第一集 part1/6 Romantic Princess ep1-1
This is Taiwan's brand new drama. The first episode just aired last week. I can't wait for the second episode. It's about a really poor adopted girl (張韶涵) that suddenly finds out she's a long lost granddaughter of a very very rich man nicknamed Empire. Wu Chun(吳尊) from Fahrenheit(飛輪海) acts the male lead. The director is the same as the one who did Corner With Love, WhyWhyLove and Devil Beside You. I don't know about you, but these dramas were really good. I think this one will be just as good.
written by Michelle Chien at 5:28 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Halo Kitty?
Halo Kitty?
What do you think when you see the picture right above? You think of Hello Kitty, an popular japan plushie. Hello Kitty's picture actually was gleaned from Neopets. The image above is a Plushie Angelpuss, an petpet inside Neopets. A Petpet is a pet for your neopets.
When I first heard this, I also thought there were similarities between the two. Except Hello Kitty doesn't have wings, or an halo. On the picture above the Plushie Angelpuss (which is, by the way, named Halo Kitty...haha)is the original Hello Kitty. They've made a lot of different hello kitties, such as, angel, spring, and even a line for Mcdonald's, which comes with the kid meals in Taiwan, a long time ago.
written by Michelle Chien at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Neopet PB Average Prices (2007)
Paint Brushes Under 100k
Starter Paint Brushes can not be sold, auctioned or traded away. They come in newbie packs so technically they're free but as you're unable to move them from the account they came in it's not worth creating multiple accounts to get one.
Green Paint Brush - 37,000NP
Red Paint Brush - 40,000NP
Blue Paint Brush - 49,000NP
Invisible Paint Brush - 95,000NP
Okay, first of all you should know that any item whose value is 100,000NP or more is sometimes called an unbuyable. This is because there is a restriction in shops that prevents users from pricing their items at anything higher than 99,999NP so very expensive items are 'unbuyable' from user owned stores. So the prices you see below have been gleaned off the Trading Post although you can also try hunting for these more expensive brushes in the Auction House. I have listed the average asking price I found users on the trading post would accept, which means you should be able to find a few prices below and above what I mention. Regardless, this should give you a good ballpark figure of what you'll be spending to get the precious paint brushes below... |
Glowing Paint Brush - 120,000NP
Split Paint Brush - 120,000NP
Silver Paint Brush - 120,000NP
Golden Paint Brush - 125,000NP
Starry Paint Brush - 130,000NP
Purple Paint Brush - 145,000NP
Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush - 145,000NP
Christmas Paint Brush - 150,000NP
Checkered Paint Brush - 180,000NP
Speckled Paint Brush - 185,000NP
Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush - 190,000NP
Skunk Paint Brush - 200,000NP
White Paint Brush - 210,000NP
Electric Blue Paint Brush - 250,000NP
Rainbow Paint Brush - 270,000NP
Striped Paint Brush - 270,000NP
Spotted Paint Brush - 290,000NP
Disco Fever Paint Brush - 300,000NP
Cloud Paint Brush - 320,000NP
Brown Paint Brush - 350,000NP
Biscuit Paint Brush - 350,000NP
Shadow Paint Brush - 350,000NP
Tyrannian Paint Brush - 390,000NP
Usuki Paint Brush - 400,000NP
Snow Paint Brush - 400,000NP
Lost Desert Paint Brush 490,000NP
Orange Paint Brush - 500,000NP
Camouflage Paint Brush - 520,000NP
Halloween Paint Brush - 550,000NP
Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush - 550,000NP
Baby Paint Brush - 585,000NP
Darigan Paint Brush - 1,400,000NP
Pink Paint Brush - 1,500,000NP
Faerie Paint Brush - 1,500,000NP
Royal Paint Brush - 1,750,000NP
Mystery Island Paint Brush - 2,800,000NP
Plushie Paint Brush - 3,700,000NP
Grey Paint Brush - 5,000,000NP
Maraquan Paint Brush - 5,500,000NP
Pirate Paint Brush - 5,500,000NP
Lutari Paint Brush - 8,000,000NP
written by Michelle Chien at 5:29 AM 0 comments