Thursday, September 06, 2007

Halo Kitty?

Halo Kitty?

What do you think when you see the picture right above? You think of Hello Kitty, an popular japan plushie. Hello Kitty's picture actually was gleaned from Neopets. The image above is a Plushie Angelpuss, an petpet inside Neopets. A Petpet is a pet for your neopets.
When I first heard this, I also thought there were similarities between the two. Except Hello Kitty doesn't have wings, or an halo. On the picture above the Plushie Angelpuss (which is, by the way, named Halo Kitty...haha)is the original Hello Kitty. They've made a lot of different hello kitties, such as, angel, spring, and even a line for Mcdonald's, which comes with the kid meals in Taiwan, a long time ago.