Sunday, May 18, 2008

超搞笑羅志祥和美滿小S VS. 帥氣王力宏 Xiao Zhu Prankcalling Leehom

The Inside Scoop:
A few years ago, 小S/ Xiao S and 羅志祥/Xiao Zhu prank
called Lee Hom. Xiao Zhu pretended to be Aaron Kwok (Hong Kong actor that worked with Lee Hom on 'China Strike Force') on the phone. The problem was that, neither Xiao Zhu, neither knew that Lee Hom was at USA. So when they called, it was 4am at USA and Lee Hom was sleeping! So notice Lee hom's sleepy voice and see how polite he is even when he's tired! ^^

I think Leehom knew all along it was just a prank. But he was so polite! ^_^
NOTE: This is a fan made video!