Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stars On The Rise 飛行偶像: Erika Toda

Stars On The Rise 飛行偶像's famous person today is...(drum roll)...Erika Toda!

Stars On The Rise 飛行偶像 is a new page of the Notebook. It features a new "star" regularly. That famous person can be your favorite actress/actor. OR it could be someone you never paid attention to before. Even more, maybe you never even heard of him/her! Either way, Stars On The Rise 飛行偶像 lets people get to know "stars".

Erika Toda
has acted in many dramas, but mostly as supporting actress. I first saw her as Uehara Mariko in Nobuta Wo Produce. I think her character there is so charismatic! ^^
I know she's in Death Note, and again as a SA. Her only main character drama is Liar Game. I actually watched part of Liar Game, then freaked out. I HATE scary movies! I had bad dreams that night... ^^|||


I love Erika Toda! Kawaii!